Aaron Chen Memorial Foundation
With the generous and enthusiastic support from numerous friends of Aaron and his family, including many colleagues of his parents at the University of Toronto and far beyond, a permanent endowment will soon be created at the University of Toronto Scarborough to set up an Aaron Jingyi Chen Memorial Award starting in fall 2023. The quick response and generosity of these donors have deeply touched Aaron’s family and friends. Thank you all for making this award possible in such a short period of time.
With the understanding that some donors might have made anonymous donations or preferred to remain so, we would like to publicly acknowledge all the donors for their contribution to this award. Unless they have made the donation through us and in the future through the Aaron Chen Memorial Foundation, we do not have all their contact information and some of the donors contributed through the overseas affiliates of the University of Toronto, which has resulted in incomplete information or a long lag between the donation and our knowledge. But we will try to acknowledge as many donors as we know. If you found your name missing in the list or if you prefer not be included in the list, please contact us for corrections or updates. We apologize in advance if a combination of the circumstances noted above has made a completely accurate list impossible.
Besides expressing our heart-felt gratitude, doing this is also to show Aaron and those who loved him the enormous support he has received, and to encourage others to help the Aaron Chen Memorial Foundation to support other children through its scholarships and other charitable and nonprofit initiatives.
Here is the list of the donors about whom we have received information.
The Aaron Jingyi Chen Memorial Award at the University of Toronto will continue to accept donation, which will make the award more impactful by helping more than one student each year. As a Canadian registered charity, U of T can issue you a Canadian tax receipt for charitable donation if that is an important consideration for your tax planning, though you have to go through its New York affiliate office if you are based in the U.S. and need the non-profit tax receipts recognized by the IRS, as explained in the giving page, which has more details about the award and payment methods.
We hope to feature the annual award recipient(s) on this page as well in the future.
If you also would like to learn more or support the Aaron Chen Memorial Foundation’s other charitable/nonprofit initiatives, please visit the foundation’s page to learn more.